Dead Space 2 is a science fiction survival horror video game, developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, released in January 2011. Set three years after the events of the first game, the game follows protagonist Isaac Clarke 's fight against a new necromorph outbreak on the. Dead Space 2 Full Game Walkthrough This is Dead Space 2 Gameplay Walkthrough that covers the Full Game with No Commentary. This video contains Dead Space 2 A. Jan 25, 2011 Many horror games are able to deliver shocks during play, but none does it as well as Dead Space 2. Isaac's inner struggle in the tense setting of 'Sprawl' provides an unforgettable atomsphere, making Dead Space 2 one of the most terrifying and unmissable horror games this generation and the benchmark for others to follow. Engineer Isaac Clarke returns in Dead Space 2 for another blood-curdling adventure in the sequel to the critically acclaimed Dead Space. After waking from a coma on a massive space city known as 'The Sprawl', the lone survivor of a horrific alien infestation finds himself confronting a catastrophic new nightmare.
There are several different suits you can unlock in Dead Space 2 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Here is the list of suits I’ve found so far, and how to find them.
Arctic Security Suit – Beat the game on Zealot difficulty to unlock it at the store
Elite Advanced Suit – You can find the schematic in New Game+ in Chapter 11 when the yellow lift with the Necromorphs reaches the top, turn around and it is on the ledge between elevator and wall
Elite Engineer Suit – You can find the schematic in New Game+ on Chapter 2, right before the first outer space section
Elite Security Suit – You can find the schematic in New Game+ in Chapter 9 after you exit the tram, search over the railing.
Elite Vintage Suit – You can find the schematic in New Game+ in Chapter 6 in the area where you fight the tank right before the end of the chapter.
Hacker Suit – If you have a Dead Space: Ignition save file it will be available at the store
Riot Suit – In the store during New Game+
Soldier Suit – Beat the game on Hardcore Mode to unlock it at the store
Dead Space 2 Review
There are several different suits you can unlock in Dead Space 2 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Here is the list of suits I’ve found so far, and how to find them.
Dead Space 2 Monsters
Dead Space 2 Cheats
Arctic Security Suit – Beat the game on Zealot difficulty to unlock it at the store
Elite Advanced Suit – You can find the schematic in New Game+ in Chapter 11 when the yellow lift with the Necromorphs reaches the top, turn around and it is on the ledge between elevator and wall
Elite Engineer Suit – You can find the schematic in New Game+ on Chapter 2, right before the first outer space section
Elite Security Suit – You can find the schematic in New Game+ in Chapter 9 after you exit the tram, search over the railing.
Elite Vintage Suit – You can find the schematic in New Game+ in Chapter 6 in the area where you fight the tank right before the end of the chapter.
Hacker Suit – If you have a Dead Space: Ignition save file it will be available at the store
Riot Suit – In the store during New Game+
Soldier Suit – Beat the game on Hardcore Mode to unlock it at the store