This test replaces two previous, age-specific measures of visual-motor ability-the TVMS-R and TVMS-UL. It offers easier administration, greater convenience, and considerable economy. The new TVMS-3 uses design copying to find out how well individuals can coordinate visually guided, fine-motor movements. Distortions and inaccuracies in copied designs help identify deficits in visual perception, motor planning, and execution. Jul 13, 2021 Test of Visual Perceptual Skills-3rd Edition (TVPS-3) The TVPS-3 is a standardized measure of an individual's (ages 4 and older) perceptual abilities. The test uses black and white line designs as stimuli across each of the seven subtests. Each item is administered in a multiple-choice format. RdTest of Visual Perceptual Skills – 3 edition (TVPS-3) Compiled by: C. Okonsky; September 2016; for EBS Healthcare, Inc. Reliability: Internal consistency based on Cronbach’s coefficient ranging from.75 -.88 for subtests and.96 for the entire test; Test-retest reliability for 42 children when given within an.
Complete Kit
- Ages 4 through 18 years
- Testing Time 30-40 minutes
- Administration Individual
* Qualifications required to purchase this item. Click here to complete the qualifications form.
The Test of Visual Perceptual Skills—Third Edition (TVPS–3), Tactual Performance Test (TPT), and Battery of Chinese Basic Literacy (BCBL) were all administered before and after 6 wk of intervention. Repeated-measures analysis of variance revealed that the experimental group showed significant improvement on the TVPS–3 but not on the TPT.

Test Of Visual-perceptual Skills Third Edition Tvps-3 Pdf
*DISCONTINUED (see NEW EDITION below Alternatives)
Test Of Visual Perceptual Skills 3rd Edition
Now, just one test covers all of the ages that were previously covered by the two forms of the earlier test (TVPS-R and TVPS-UL-R). The TVPS-3 is used by many professionals, including learning specialists, occupational therapists, optometrists, and rehabilitation specialists.
The TVPS-3 remains an easy to use assessment to determine the visual perceptual strengths and weaknesses of students aged 4-0 through 18-11. Visual perception is an important ability that enables one to make sense out of what is seen (in contrast to visual acuity tests which determine just that something was seen by the individual). The TVPS-3 may be used by a number of different types of professionals: learning specialists, occupational therapists, optometrists, and rehabilitation specialists.
The TVPS-3 utilizes black and white line drawings as stimuli for all of the perceptual tasks; the stimulus plates are bound in a convenient easelstyle booklet. The items are still presented in a multiple-choice format, and responses can be made vocally (by saying the letter of the response choice) or by pointing to the answer choice. This format is ideal for use with students who may have impairments in motor, speech, hearing, neurological, or cognitive functions. There are still 16 plates in each of the perceptual areas so that the length of the test remains the same as in previous editions:
• Visual Discrimination
• Visual Spacial Relationships
• Visual Memory
• Visual Sequential Memory
• Form Constancy
• Figure-Ground
• Visual Closure
Ceilings ensure that the more difficult items do not unduly tax younger students, yet enable the examiner to obtain a reliable and accurate measurement of the students’ abilities at all ages.
By analyzing the subtest score patterns, the examiner can make functional comparisons of the child’s abilities and provide a basis for planning the appropriate remediation. The manual contains an updated review of literature, thus, relating the importance of visual perceptual ability to the tasks a child faces in both school and home settings. The TVPS-3 also provides new, nationally stratified norms based on over 2,000 students.
Administration and Scoring
The TVPS-3 is administered to individuals; it is untimed and takes about 25 minutes to complete. Scoring is quick and uncomplicated. Raw scores are reported as scaled scores and percentile ranks for each subtest, the overall total score is reported as a standard score and percentile rank. Age-equivalents are also provided for the subtest and overall scores.